Thursday, October 11, 2012



Actual Line

Mims, Casey A. Skyefemme. Round Rock: Casey Mims, 8 Oct. 2012. Jpeg.
Line has been a big benefactor for people's lives. Even though we may not notice it, everything we create or see starts with one thing: line. In the digital painting above, lines are not only used to create the image but are also used to create texture as well as shade. 

Psychic Line  

Neko, Aisha X. AishaxNekox's DeviantART Gallery. Digital image. AishaxNekox's DeviantART Gallery. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Oct. 2012. <>.

Psychic line is a type of line in a work that isn't physically there in the photo yet we feel that the line is there. This type of line is created by a mental bond between the characters pictures above. Even though there are no key points to show us this, a mental note can be made by seeing that the male character's eyes are pointed down towards the female and the child. 

Implied Line  

Angelo, Michele. "RELATED POSTS." SuperExpresso Graphic Design. Cyril Foiret, 2 Oct. 2009. Web. 31 Oct. 2012. <>.

Like psychic lines, implied lines are known to be there even though no specific line is present. However, implied lines are created when you connect two key points in an image. The implied lines here can be represented by the liquid that is dripping in the image as well as the smoke that is rising from one of the pairs of lips.

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