Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Final Product

The final project I decided to do was a movie poster. I chose to create an original poster that was based on a movie I created a story line for. It is a vampire/werewolf/post apocalyptic movie. In this movie a young girl escapes from the ruins of her hide away after several months in the dark when the world went through chaos.  All that were left after the end of the world were the stronger supernatural beings. Now a young woman must learn to survive among the ruins without being killed or eaten. However, she wont do it without the help of a few super natual friends she made along the way that can guarantee her safety. 

I used the design principle, scale and proportion, and the two design elements, value and line, to create the image. The names listed in the poster are also the names of friends. They are not actual actors.  

The process

                       Before                                                                    After 

Step 1: Open the base picture in photoshop.
Step 2: Desaturate the image
Step 3: Create a vignette around the image by selecting the part that is to be kept with the ellipse marquee         tool and creating a layer mask
Step 4: Paste the moon onto the image and erase some of the parts around the subjects head so that it looked faded
Step 5: Paste the texture layer and reduce the opacity to about 35%
Step 6: Begin typing the words. I usually put the title words in separate layers so that they're easy to move around. The rest of the words can be in one layer together.
Step 7: Double click the title words and mess around with some of the effects. I chose to put an outer glow and spread it out a bit.
Viola! Done!

Time Line for Final Project

November 30, 2012

  • Decided on an idea for my final project. I will be creating a movie poster that represents a fictional movie based on the Greek goddess Aphrodite.
  • Decided on a design principle to use in my work; Scale and Proportion
  • Decided on two design elements; Value and Space
  • Began sketching up ideas for how i want the poster to look
December 2, 2012
  • Held a photo shoot to get all the pictures I wanted to use for the photo manipulation of my final project together for editing. 
  • Started editing pictures and figuring out how I wanted them to be placed in the poster.
December 3, 2012
  • Today I revised my idea for the final project. It will still be a movie poster, but the piece will be a vampire/werewolf/apocalyptic theme instead of being based on a Greek Goddess. 
December 4, 2012
  • Held a second photo shoot because the pictures i took before were too low quality to try and edit. 
  • Started re-sketching up ideas for how I want to place the new images in the poster.
December 7, 2012
  • Started editing images and puting the final piece together. After several hours and manipulation tutorials, I managed to come up with a final design that I was comfortable with.
Decmeber 10, 2012
  • Today I called several places to see who could print out my picture.
  • I also called several places to find the cheapest but best quality place to get the project matted.
December 11, 2012
  • Today I dropped off my flash drive at FedEx to get my file printed out. 
  • I ran by at 8:00 pm to pick up my flash drive. FedEx already printed out my image. It looks amazing!
December 12, 2012
  • I went by at 12 pm to pick up my final project printed image from FedEx. 
  • Also dropped of my print at Michael's today to get my final project matted. 
December 13, 2012

  • I picked up my final project from Michael's today and found out they messed up my order. They mounted it on foam core when I said not to. At least its done, though. 
December 14, 2012
  • Woo! Presentation of my final project is today. Finally!