Thursday, December 13, 2012

The Final Product

The final project I decided to do was a movie poster. I chose to create an original poster that was based on a movie I created a story line for. It is a vampire/werewolf/post apocalyptic movie. In this movie a young girl escapes from the ruins of her hide away after several months in the dark when the world went through chaos.  All that were left after the end of the world were the stronger supernatural beings. Now a young woman must learn to survive among the ruins without being killed or eaten. However, she wont do it without the help of a few super natual friends she made along the way that can guarantee her safety. 

I used the design principle, scale and proportion, and the two design elements, value and line, to create the image. The names listed in the poster are also the names of friends. They are not actual actors.  

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