Thursday, December 13, 2012

The process

                       Before                                                                    After 

Step 1: Open the base picture in photoshop.
Step 2: Desaturate the image
Step 3: Create a vignette around the image by selecting the part that is to be kept with the ellipse marquee         tool and creating a layer mask
Step 4: Paste the moon onto the image and erase some of the parts around the subjects head so that it looked faded
Step 5: Paste the texture layer and reduce the opacity to about 35%
Step 6: Begin typing the words. I usually put the title words in separate layers so that they're easy to move around. The rest of the words can be in one layer together.
Step 7: Double click the title words and mess around with some of the effects. I chose to put an outer glow and spread it out a bit.
Viola! Done!

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